Flowery Branch, GA

Interested in Flowery Branch homes? In Flowery Branch Georgia you will often see travelers posing to take pictures of the quaint historic buildings located in the heart of downtown. It is a charming city that combines a southern small town feel with some of the advantages that come with living in the big city of Atlanta, like concerts, community and sports events and even an art school. Flowery Branch homes have access to Hideaway Bay Marina and beautiful fun filled Lake Sydney Lanier. Owners of Flowery Branch homes also enjoy a short drive to the popular Mall of Georgia. Lake lovers and suburban moms have access to local beloved mom and pop shops and local restaurants as well as many well known corporate restaurants and stores. The upscale Antebellum Restaurant is a historic landmark located near the downtown Flowery Branch TRAIN DEPOT. Flowery Branch has a population of approximately 6,700 with a married population of 53%. The unemployment rate for Flowery Branch home owners is 4.7 % with an expected future growth over the next 10 years of 43%. The median home price is $180,400. With Flowery Branch homes being on 2017’s list of top 50 safest cities to live in the United States, how could you not want to live here? I’ve lived all over the United States and chose to call Flowery Branch my home! Call me to start looking at Flowery Branch homes today. 678-780-0038



Cherokee Bluffs Park

If you are looking at Flowery Branch homes, you’re probably wondering what kinds of things there are in the area that you and your family can do. Cherokee Bluff Park provides some outdoor fun. http://www.hallcounty.org/Facilities/Facility/Details/Cherokee-Bluffs-Park-67  This 168-acre public park is ADA accessible and offers lots of amenities including multi-use nature trails for biking, jogging or walking your dog, a simple lodge with community meeting rooms, bandshell, an amphitheatre that seats 400, hiking, and pavilion and picnic areas that include a fireplace, grill, water, and electricity. It is a beautiful park with rolling meadows, native wildlife and natural streams. Cherokee Bluffs Park is just one of many outdoor options that owners of Flowery Branch homes can enjoy.


Popular Restaurants

Flowery Branch homes have the privilege of  being near beautiful Lake Lanier. There are options for romantic dining on the lake at sunset and there are also restaurants that allow the fun of pulling right up in your boat and walking up the dock for casual dining. One of our favorite surf and turf picks is Fish Tales. https://www.fishtaleslakelanier.com/  Fish Tales Lakeside Grille is located in Hideaway Bay Marina in Flowery Branch, Georgia. They offer fresh seafood, full service bar and fantastic customer service. Owners of Flowery branch homes arrive year around by car boat and even helicopter to enjoy favorites like the Grouper sandwich, fish tacos and famous Fish Tales (fried grouper fingers), Fish Tales has a sandbox for the kids, cold drinks for the adults and live music for everyone.